Everything is ‘Process’…

I’ve got an odd relationship to the concept of a ‘sketchbook’. I always have one (of sorts, see below) with me wherever I go, I’m constantly making notes, I have a pile of old ones gathering dust, but I’ve never really gotten on with the standard formats, they’re just too static and hard to organise, especially with the amount of disparate projects I’m working on at any given time. And the spine always seems to be in the way.

A for instance: you’re working on a design project, a short film and you’re attending a lecture. Do you take three notebooks to keep the different strands separate? Probably if you’re a Field Notes person. What if, in the break of the lecture, you come up with some fresh thing? Have you got a spare sketchbook for ‘just in case’? Do you write the new thing in one of the others and transcribe it somewhere else later? Do you tear out the now useless page from whichever sketchbook you used?

Yes, all right, you probably put the random new thing in your phone nowadays but I’m old, that wasn’t an option in my formative years, and I like paper, it’s quicker.

Expect fragmentary, nonsensical, interlinked posts. They’re really just here to jog my memory or to spark some new direction in the future.

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